
The Pie Mindsets

You are either in one camp or the other:

  • The pie is a fixed size: I need to get as big a piece as I can get. If others get more pie, I will get less pie.
  • The pie is a variable size: I need to help the whole pie grow. As long as it grows, I can get more pie while others also get more pie.

Some call this the fixed vs growth mindset. We see symptoms of both every day in the news and our daily conversations.

Example #1: Immigration

The fixed mindset believes that if immigrants come here “out of order,” they will be parasites on the system and take all of the resources existing citizens should be getting. More people in this country equals less jobs and opportunity for me.

The growth mindset believes that if immigrants come here “no matter the order,” they will be an asset to the system and add resources so we can all get more. More people in this country equals more jobs and opportunity for me.

Example #2: Money

The fixed mindset believes that there is only so much money to go around. If someone else gets paid more, then that means there is less money for me.

The growth mindset believes that there is always new money being created. If someone else gets paid more, then that means there is more money for me.

Example #3: Resources

The fixed mindset believes that there is a limited supply of all resources in the world. If we use a resource then we will have less access to that resource in the future.

The growth mindset believes that there will always be a way to find more resources. They know that scarcity drives innovation which will give us access to more resources.

Which Are You

Do you believe the pie is fixed, or is it constantly growing?

Or maybe a better question, which pie is more fulfilling?

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