The building. The space.
Never felt such a connection to a pile of bricks.
What is going to fill the space? What can?
It will never.
The patio.
That ol’ house is for sale…
Where it started. That pile of burgers.
You knew how to pierce through the veil. How to connect with the essence of what makes us human.
Kennedy Special…was it even real?
Greatest accomplishment.
Weight of the casket.
This thing is heavier than I thought it would be.
It should be heavy. Soul is heavy.
Experience so amazing, so special.
This is the story of mentorship friendship. Of sharing in the fabric of what is true and just and right in the world. It is also a tail of darkness. Tragedy. Loss.
A dark well so deep. Dangerous. Lethal.
Ohhh Ethiopia.
Part confession. Part historian.
Turkey from Brazil on Thansgiving in Yetebon. Only you.
Is it selfish of me to share what has been so personal and private? Will it help others understand and get closure or will it raise more questions.
This is to you my friend. My buddy. I miss your midnight text messages or early morning wake up calls. We were conquering the world.
But the world ended up conquering you. The pain you were trying toheal cover became too great.
Banana girl.
Wall Street Journal.
That fucking maroon square.
Sometimes I feel like a nut.
Remember that time I got the Governor to run on a treadmill…at the Capital…on live TV?
Or when you danced with the girl in the bakery in Butajira?
That afternoon with Rick Hodes at Fikru’s house.
$468,000 in a night.
Never again in this town.
He’s the richest guy I know.
Pile of beers.
The Wild West of Awassa.
We’ll see a tumbleweed any moment now.
The Noel Shuffle.
Never afraid.
There was that time Steve and I got kicked out…
And Kris slapped me.
I deserved it.
How do you honor my vision?
I promise I will. Not today.
Still healing and building back from the center.
Give from plenty.
Yes. This lesson you taught me.
Never forget. Never Always forgive.
Two months ago I helped fund 900 days of school in Ethiopia.
You would have been so proud. It’s only the beginning.
I am proud.
There was that time Gabe balled his eyes out at the library…
The kids. Will they ever know?
That first meeting.
Talk to my wife.
She deserved better.
Oh the suffering.
Sealed my conviction.
Love thyself.
Don’t forget. Please don’t forget.
When customs asks why you have all that silver…act like you don’t speak English. Just point.
Who is this really for?
Who cares.
The peak of my struggle.
I almost lost it all Noel.
The Truth will set you free.
And you it did.
The greatest gift in the world.
Thank you.
I love you.
I miss you.
We’ll always have the Aregash.
Quarters. So many quarters.
The only guy I knew that believed the next generation is better.
You gave me a playground.
Take a cab.
I’m dry now.
When will we meet again?
Long time. I’ll be here.
Hope so. Where?
Let’s meet at Castelli’s.
Call ahead and get a couple plates of prosciutto.